7 Best Fat-Burning Exercises to Lose Belly Fat

Health and wellness have taken center stage in today’s fast-paced world. Every woman knows the feeling of always having a “beach-ready” body. But we also know that quickly shedding those pounds gets harder and harder the older we get. Add to that the fact that there never seems to be enough time in the day, and going to the gym regularly can be challenging for some. There is good news, though.

There are simple exercises you can do in the comfort of your home to help you get rid of those pesky rolls around the middle and start living your best healthy life.

October 29, 2023

7 Best Fat-Burning Exercises to Lose Belly Fat
What is Belly Fat?

Beyond simply the aesthetic aspect of losing your belly fat, it can bring you tremendous health benefits from adding these simple exercises into your regular routine.

It’s very important to know how belly fat affects your body. To fix a problem, you need to first understand it.

Belly or visceral fat is located deep within the abdominal cavity. This fat surrounds the organs, and this poses a significant health risk. These health risks include such things as heart disease and type 2 diabetes.

How Many Calories To Burn Per Week for Weight Loss?

For women between the ages of 25 and 39 looking to lose weight, a safe, attainable goal is a loss of 1-2 pounds per week. This means that you would have to burn around 500 - 1000 more calories than you consume every day. Keep in mind that may differ slightly from woman to woman as we all have different body types and metabolisms and burn fat at different rates.

7 Best Fat-Burning Exercises to Lose Belly Fat
7 Best Fat-Burning Exercises to Lose Belly Fat

Crunches: This is an old classic. Crunches target the rectus abdominis and obliques. We would suggest starting with a set of 15-20 crunches and gradually increasing as your strength improves.

Plank: The plank is a brilliant exercise and engages multiple muscle groups. Doing a plank of 30 seconds every day will start to strengthen your core almost immediately.

Leg Raises: For this exercise, you have to lie on your back and lift your legs upward. You will feel the effect of these in the lower abdominal muscles. Aim for 3 sets of 12-15 reps.

Russian Twists: While you are seated on the floor, twist your torso to touch the floor on either side. To give your obliques a proper workout, start with 15-20 twists every day.

Mountain Climbers: Simple yet effective is the motto of these exercises. To do mountain climbers, you need to be in a high plank position and then pretend that you are going up the side of a mountain.

Bicycle Crunches: By combining leg movements with a twisting motion, bicycle crunches are excellent for targeting both upper and lower abs. Lie on your back and lift your shoulders towards your elbows. Start with 1-minute intervals and work your way up to more.

Reverse Crunches: Lift your hips off the ground while lying on your back, targeting the lower abdominal region. Reverse crunches should also be done in 1-minute intervals.


Starting a weight loss journey is never easy, and it takes a commitment of mind and body. But hard work leads to rewards, and you will definitely reap the health benefits of making these exercises a part of your day. Couple this with a calorie deficit, and you are well on the way to losing those pesky pounds.


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